BETHANY KIDS just want to have fun! We also believe kids want to do something special, something important, so we seek to give them opportunities to do something special for Jesus Christ.
In order to learn anything real well you need to put it into practice. We like to see kids involved, doing works of service for God and man. Individual classes for each grade builds a solid foundation of Bible knowledge. Larger groups give an opportunity to be involved with worship and prayer, as well as service in sound, video and music.
Keeping kids excited about being in church is an important part of helping them to grow in Christ and keep on growing. Our goal is to lead the children to a firsthand knowledge of Jesus Christ and what He wants to do in their lives as individuals as well as what God wants to do in His body of believers. Children need to know that they are the church.
9am – Sunday School (Elementary Age)
11am – SuperChurch in the gym
11am – Bible Challenge, Kids Connect, Virtual Sunday School, and Worship Team Rehearsals (for Team Members only)
Children’s Ministry serves all children from Nursery – 6th grade.
During the adult worship service we have a service for children in grades 1 through 6 called SuperChurch, in our Gymnasium. This is our opportunity to worship God together; invite God into our lives; and help children understand that God wants to work through their lives right now! We involve children in the service through our worship team, sound technicians, spotlight and other helpers. The services are multi-media presentations using music DVDs, video segments, live object lessons, skits and games. It is our desire to see children get grounded in the Bible as God’s inspired Word for today and develop a biblical world view.
SuperChurch Worship Team Rehearsals – Every Sunday at 1pm in the gym.
Royal Rangers – Wednesdays at 7pm
Royal Rangers is designed for boys ages 3-17 and the focus is to “Reach, Teach and Keep boys for Christ.” Boys are taught four fundamental foundations: Love of God, love of family, love of others and love of nature. Through classroom training and Bible study, planned recreation, camping and hiking the Ranger program ministers to the mental, spiritual, social and physical areas of a boy’s life. Local and District events give the boys opportunities to stretch themselves and see how much they can achieve.
For additional information, please follow this link to the Royal Rangers national website.
Girls Ministries – Wednesdays at 7pm
Girls Ministries is an Assemblies of God Ministry program geared toward winning girls, aged 3 to 17, to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. Girls Ministries provides an environment of support and accountability while helping girls to develop their gifts and abilities. In addition, girls build lifelong friendships that will help them stay strong in their spiritual walk. Girls Ministries is a discipleship program based on the Titus 2 principle of women mentoring girls.
For additional information, please follow this link to the Girls Ministries national website.
VBS – Vacation Bible School
Every summer we spend a whole week with kids ages 3-12. Through crafts, games, Bible time, and music we are able to minister to kids and get them excited about living for God. Every year there is a different theme and we have a whole lot of fun!!
The Great Easter Egg Hunt
This beloved annual event takes place on the Saturday before Easter. We begin the day with a great program for the kids in our sanctuary. Afterwards, everyone heads outside to their appropriate age group area and the kids gather as many eggs as possible. Every child goes home with a bag of candy. This event is free and open to all children ages 1-12. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
BGMC – Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
BGMC is more than a giving program, it’s also a mission’s education program. BGMC is equipping kids to know how to care, to pray, and to reach the lost as they are taught about countries, people groups, and missionaries all around the world.
BGMC is represented by a character named ‘Buddy Barrel.’ These yellow barrels are given to all the children to use to collect their missions offering and then they bring them in on the first Sunday of each month. Since 1949 over $150 million dollars has been raised by children for missionaries around the world. Go to www.bgmc.ag.org for more details.
JBQ is a highly competitive program that involves studying 576 questions of different point value. The questions are all Bible based and cover a wide range of topics. We compete against teams from other churches in Southern New England and also compete at the Regional and sometimes National level. This program is for children in 1st through 6th grades and some stay on to become officials and team assistants. This is part of an overall emphasis on discipleship among elementary age children.
The goal of Junior Bible Quiz is that children will memorize the Word of God, understand its teachings, and be equipped to share the gospel with their friends.
JBQ Practices are held each Sunday afternoon, from 3-5 pm in the Fireplace room. Please see Pastor Liz if you are interested in your child(ren) participating. JBQ runs from September – May each year.