Women’s ministry exists to equip women to use their means of influence to advance the good news and bring glory to God. Women are empowered for the work of ministry through studying the Word together and connecting in community. We have each been given the manifestation of the Spirit and in various ways. Our desire is for each woman to use her gifts for service and for building up the body of Christ.
Weekly Bible Study: Women connect in community as they study the Word together, pray, and encourage one another. Each group is open to any woman, no matter her age or season of life. Studies are every Tuesday morning or evening.
Encouraging Services: Women gather together for times of worship, fellowship, and encouragement from the Word. These services are designed to unite the body of Christ and to focus on pertinent topics at Bethany. Women are refreshed and equipped by the Holy Spirit through fellowship and practical teaching.
Special Events: Other social events, such as retreats, conferences, simulcasts, and outreach opportunities are offered at various times throughout the year.
Andrea Thee
Women’s Ministry Director
Women's Bible Study - Morning
10am – Fireplace room
The AM Bible Study is on break for the holidays and will resume on January 14th at 10:00 in the Fireplace Room. We’re continuing our review of The Chosen Season 2.
Women's Bible Study - Evening
7pm – Fireplace room
The Tuesday PM Bible Study is on break through the winter and will resume in April when we’ll be doing a 7 session study of Ruth by Kelly Minter. Keep watching the BNN and Monthly Event Booklet for the specific dates.
Women's Conference - March 19, 2022