Please join us “live” every Sunday morning at 11am as well as every Wednesday evening at 7pmfor inspirational messages from Pastor Stephen Thee throughout the year, as well as from many special guest speakers.
Sunday 11am Service
Wednesday 7pm Service
If you feel encouraged to GIVE to Bethany Assembly of God online, please click on the adjacent “GIVE” button, and follow the prompts.
Live streaming begins at approximately 5 minutes prior to every service. If we are having technical difficulties, we will post messages on our website and social media.
FaceBook – You can also watch our live stream on our FaceBook page. Search for “Bethany Assembly” and join in on the live chats during our services. If you have prayer needs, our pastors also participate within the chat.
YouTube – You can now watch our live stream on our YouTube channel. Look for “Bethany Assembly of God” on YouTube and join in on our services.
FB Closed Captioning – To activate your Facebook Closed Captioning feature, please click on the adjacent button and follow the easy instructions.