Welcome to our Nursery!
We’re located in the Children’s Ministry wing of the building, and our entrance is in the hallway just outside of the Children’s foyer. Bethany’s Nursery is open during each of our regular services, including some special services, for ages birth to two years old.
Child Check-in/Check-out
Nursery aged children should be checked in at the nursery rather than in our Lighthouse auditorium lobby. They will be checked in by a Team Leader and given a nametag. A parent tag will be printed that corresponds to the number on their child’s nametag. Parents will also receive a pager. If a parent is needed, their pager will vibrate and light up, letting the parent know to come to the nursery wherever they are in the building. Pagers are returned when parents pick up their child(ren) and your security tag will be matched to your child’s nametag.
Our Nursery Facility
Our Nursery facility has five rooms. Our four Nursery rooms are divided by age and each one has age appropriate toys and equipment, which are sanitized on a regular basis. There is also a nursing mother’s room for you and your baby or toddler if you are still nursing. This is a quiet room and not a play room. There is a flat-screen TV and you will be able to nurse your baby while watching the service. We also have a tiny bathroom with seats that are perfect for toddlers and two’s and make accidents easy to clean up!
Our Volunteers
All Nursery volunteers have had a background check completed. The Nursery is supervised at all times by a Team Leader who is trained to handle different situations including all emergencies. Team Leaders are also First Aid and Infant/Child CPR Certified.
Other Information
We accept children from birth until they turn 3 yrs. old and are potty-trained. Once your child turns 3 yrs. old they will move on to our Preschool Department. If your child has special needs we are able to keep them in the Nursery longer if needed. We accept ALL children with special needs including those with medical needs.
For our older 2 year olds, Sunday school is offered during our 11:00 am worship service. It is a slightly structured and hands-on class where the children are taught about the love of God, Jesus, and the Bible.
(We are in a transition period and temporarily do not have a Sunday School teacher. Please check back for updates!)
What should I bring with my child?
Diaper bags are always helpful and should contain diapers or pull-ups for your child, a sippy cup or bottle, baby food if applicable, and an extra change of clothes. We only use goldfish crackers, cheerios, and Gerber Puffs for children 18 months and older, We do not take snacks from their bags because of the multiple allergies of other children in the room. Infants through 18 months can be fed baby food, infant snacks, and a bottle.
What should my child NOT bring with them?
– Toys from home unless it is a security object
– Latex products, gloves or balloons
– Coins
– Rings on their fingers
– Necklaces that can be removed by the child
– Magnetic or sticker earrings
– Gum or hard candy in their mouths or pockets
– Pens, pencils, crayons, or markers
– Keys
Can I leave my child for both Sunday morning services?
Absolutely! If you would like to check in on them between services that is fine and of course we will always page you if we need you. If your child is a little sad upon you checking them in, we will call you after about 5-10 minutes if we are unable to console them.
Room A - Sleepers & Creepers

Room B - Crawlers & Fallers

Room C - Walkers & Talkers

Room D - Teachable Twos